#5 Summer Celebration
One of my favorite events of the summer is Lipscomb's Summer Celebration. I call it my own adult Vacation Bible School. While the kids were having fun in their own classes, I attended classes on, The Hospitality of Strangers, Culture Wars, Faith in a Post-Christian World, Women of Ministry in Churches of Christ: Dynamics of Change, How to Rescue a Christian Caught up in Sin: Intervention Strategies, The First Restoration, How Much Will Your Sin Cost Me? and, The Blessings or Curses from Life's Choices. So it was not only some much needed "me" time, but also a real educational opportunity for me.
E and O are too young to stay the entire day in the children's "camp," so during the break for lunch, we just hung out on Lipscomb's campus: Playing in the fountain, visiting the Bison, and just riding around in the stroller:
They LOVED R2D2-Bison
The highlight of the whole even though, for the kids, is the Family Fun Picnic with inflatables, food trucks, entertainment, and then fireworks on the final evening:
I am not one to usually purchase $3 cups of ice with sugar syrup, but it was over 90 degrees outside and the Kona Ice Truck made for the perfect treat
I spent all of my cash on the Kona Ice Truck, so daddy brought us dinner
For the final session, I joined the kids in their Kingdom Kids program.
Photo by Christopher Wiles |
What a great time! I'm already looking forward to next year!
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