Friday, September 4, 2015

Summer Bucket List 2015 COMPLETE!

Well... it's time to say goodbye to all the adventures of the summer and hello to a new school year. O is starting a part-time preschool, E is starting 1st grade, and L will be in 3rd grade. They sure have grown up quick. It seems like I was just writing O's birth story yesterday and now he's almost 4!

This summer was the best one yet and I can't believe we were able to do so much in just two months time. Here's our completed list, and if you click on an item, it should (if I did everything right) take you to the post for pictures.

Summer Bucket List:

Summer Bucket List 2015: Water Play

#33 Water Play with Friends

Sumber Bucket List 2015: Playgrounds!

#32 Play on 8 different playgrounds. So honestly, our goal was 10, but it was just TOO hot for playgrounds that weren't near water or inside, so it was kind of a stretch to even get to 8.

1. Nashville West

2. Edwin Warner Nature Park

3. Burns Park

4. Holiday World

5. Seaside Florida

6. Rolling River Playground

7. Christ Church Playground

7. Edwin Warner Playground 

8. Woodmont Hills Church Playground

Summer Bucket List 2015: Water Play at the Y

#31 Cool off with some water play at the Y

Summer Bucket List 2015: Eat Watermelon

#30 Eat lots of Watermelon

Summer Bucket List 2015: Lake

#29 Spend a day on the lake

Summer Bucket List 2015: Splash Camp

#28 Splash Camp at the Y!