Monday, June 27, 2016

Summer Bucket List #8 and #9: Vacation Bible School & Swim Lessons

#8: Vacation Bible School

One of the highlights of L and E's summer is attending the VBS at one of our local churches. The church always does such a great job and, because it's in the daytime, it's like a mini summer camp (that's free!). They learn new songs, play games, eat snacks, watch a video, and have a Bible lessons every day of that week.

#9: O is still a little young for VBS, so while they were at the church, I put O in swim lessons and then swam with him. It was so perfect. I dropped off the big kids at VBS, took O to swim lessons, and then played in the pool with him until it was time to pick up the big kids.

He actually had such a great time in his lessons that I signed him up for lessons the following week too! After two weeks, he's still not swimming independently yet, but he's certainly more confident in the water.

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